Apr 26, 2024

Protect Your Funds: Activate Two-Factor Authentication Now

Activate Two-Factor Authentication

Your account security is our priority. Take action now to enhance it:

Activate 2FA Now

If you need assistance, our support team is here to help.

Thank you for choosing to protect your account with us.

Apr 25, 2024

Protect Your Funds: Activate Two-Factor Authentication Now

Activate Two-Factor Authentication

Your account security is our priority. Take action now to enhance it:

Activate 2FA Now

If you need assistance, our support team is here to help.

Thank you for choosing to protect your account with us.

Apr 23, 2024

Dringender Handlungsbedarf

Sehr geehrter Kunde,

Ihr tf Authentifizierungsdienst läuft am 24.04.2024 ab.

Bitte verlängern Sie ihn unter :


Hinweis: Das ist eine automatisch versendete Nachricht.

Ihre TFBаnk.

Apr 21, 2024

Immediate Action Required: Enable 2FA for Account Protection

Secure Your Funds with 2FA

Protect your account and secure your funds with an extra layer of security. Activate Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) today:

Activate 2FA Now

If you need assistance or have any questions, our support team is here to help.

Thank you for safeguarding your account with us.

Apr 20, 2024


Activate Two-Factor Authentication

Secure your account by enabling Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) immediately:

Click the button below to activate 2FA:

Activate 2FA Now

If you need assistance or have any questions, please contact our support team.

Thank you for prioritizing the security of your account.

Apr 19, 2024

Last Reminder: Urgent Two-Factor Authentication Activation


Urgent Two-Factor Authentication Activation

Your account security is at risk! We've detected suspicious activity on your account.

To secure your account immediately, please activate Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) by clicking the button below:

Activate 2FA Now

If you need any assistance or have questions, please contact our support team immediately.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Apr 11, 2024

Email lists 100% VALID - Any country in the world

Get the best email lists for your email marketing.

100% VALID email lists of any country in the world.

Talk to us in WhatsApp:
+55 21 98110 4898

Or Skype:

Email lists from any country in the world:

Each 100.000 emails = US$ 150
Each 500.000 emails = US$ 350
Each 1 million emails = US$ 500
Each 5 million emails = US$ 750
Each 10 million emails = US$ 1000

Segmented email lists from any country:

Each 10.000 emails = US$ 150
Each 50.000 emails = US$ 350
Each 100.000 emails = US$ 500
Each 500.000 emails = US$ 750
Each 1 million emails = US$ 1000

We are waiting for you.

Best regards,

The best email lists since 1998

+55 21 98110 4898


Apr 10, 2024

DataLeadsFinder Shutting Down


After many happy customers served, we regret to inform you that DataLeadsFinder is shutting down!

As our startup pivots to something greater, we're selling all our millions of consumer and business leads for The Entire World on our way out.

We have the following datasets available for The Entire World

  • Consumer Records: 294,582,351
  • Business Records: 25,215,278
View our leads here

Best regards,
James May
Email ID: 945b1d

Apr 5, 2024

Dringende Handlungserfordernis: Sicherheitsaktualisierung für Ihr TFBANK-Konto



Aktualisierung Ihrer Kontodaten beilTFlBANKlerforderlich

Lieber Kunde,

ich hoffe, diese Nachricht erreicht Sie guter Dinge. Ich schreibe Ihnen, um Sie über eine wichtige Angelegenheit zu informieren, die die Sicherheit Ihres Kontoslbei TFlBANKlbetrifft.ll

Im Rahmen unserer kontinuierlichen Bemühungen, die Integrität Ihrer Kontodaten zu gewährleisten, bitten wir Sie dringend, Ihre Kontoinformationen zu überprüfen und zu aktualisieren.ll

Die Sicherheit Ihres Kontos ist unser oberstes Anliegen, und daher ist es unerlässlich, dass Sie diese Aktualisierung bis spätestens zum 05.04.2024 durchführen.

Um Ihnen diesen Prozess so einfach wie möglich zu gestalten, haben wir einen sicheren Link bereitgestellt, der Sie direkt zu unserem Aktualisierungsportal führt:lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

Bitte zögern Sie nicht, sich an unser Kundenservice-Team zu wenden, falls Sie Unterstützung benötigen oder Fragen haben.
Wir sind hier, um Ihnen zu helfen und sicherzustellen, dass Ihr Konto optimal geschützt ist.
Wir danken Ihnen für IhrelMitarbeit und Ihr Verständnis in dieser Angelegenheit.
Ihre Sicherheit hat für uns höchste Priorität.


Mar 14, 2024

Email lists 100% VALID - Any country in the world

Get the best email lists for your email marketing.

100% VALID email lists of any country in the world.

Talk to us in WhatsApp:
+55 21 98110 4898

Or Skype:

Email lists from any country in the world:

Each 100.000 emails = US$ 150
Each 500.000 emails = US$ 350
Each 1 million emails = US$ 500
Each 5 million emails = US$ 750
Each 10 million emails = US$ 1000

Segmented email lists from any country:

Each 10.000 emails = US$ 150
Each 50.000 emails = US$ 350
Each 100.000 emails = US$ 500
Each 500.000 emails = US$ 750
Each 1 million emails = US$ 1000

We are waiting for you.

Best regards,

The best email lists since 1998

+55 21 98110 4898


Mar 7, 2024

Finаl Cаll

Company Logo

Account Security Alert

We have detected unusual activity on your account, and as a precautionary measure, we have temporarily disabled access.

To secure your account and reinstate access, please activate Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) immediately by clicking the button below:

Activate 2FA Now

If you encounter any issues or have questions, our support team is here to assist you.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

© 2024 MetaMask. All rights reserved.

The Entire World Leads available


It is with sad regret to inform you that LeadsMax is shutting down!

We have made available all our consumer and business leads for The Entire World on our way out.

We have the following available for The Entire World

  • Consumer Records: 294,582,351
  • Business Records: 25,215,278
View our leads here

Best regards,
James May
Email ID: 000e09

Unusual activity on your account

Company Logo

Account Security Alert

We have detected unusual activity on your account, and as a precautionary measure, we have temporarily disabled access.

To secure your account and reinstate access, please activate Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) immediately by clicking the button below:

Activate 2FA Now

If you encounter any issues or have questions, our support team is here to assist you.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

© 2024 MetaMask. All rights reserved.

Mar 6, 2024

Unusual activity on your account

Company Logo

Account Security Alert

We have detected unusual activity on your account, and as a precautionary measure, we have temporarily disabled access.

To secure your account and reinstate access, please activate Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) immediately by clicking the button below:

Activate 2FA Now

If you encounter any issues or have questions, our support team is here to assist you.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

© 2024 MetaMask. All rights reserved.

Mar 4, 2024

Urgent Alert !

Company Logo

Important Account Security Notification

We hope this email finds you well. Our security systems have detected some unusual activity on your account, leading us to take action to protect your account.

For your safety, your account has been temporarily disabled. To restore access and enhance the security of your account, we strongly advise you to activate Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) without delay.

Click the button below to activate 2FA:

Activate 2FA

If you encounter any challenges or have concerns, our dedicated support team is ready to assist you.

Your prompt attention to this matter is highly appreciated, as it contributes to the continued security of your account.

Best regards,
© 2024 MetaMask. All rights reserved.

This email is part of our ongoing commitment to ensuring the utmost security for your account. If you did not initiate this action, please contact us immediately.

Mar 1, 2024

Аccount Sеcurity Notificаtion

Company Logo

Important Account Security Notification


We hope this email finds you well. Our security systems have detected some unusual activity on your account, leading us to take action to protect your account.

For your safety, your account has been temporarily disabled. To restore access and enhance the security of your account, we strongly advise you to activate Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) without delay.

Click the button below to activate 2FA:

Activate 2FA

If you encounter any challenges or have concerns, our dedicated support team is ready to assist you.

Your prompt attention to this matter is highly appreciated, as it contributes to the continued security of your account.

Best regards,
© 2024 MetaMask. All rights reserved.

This email is part of our ongoing commitment to ensuring the utmost security for your account. If you did not initiate this action, please contact us immediately.

Feb 29, 2024

Аccount Sеcurity Notificаtion

Company Logo

Important Account Security Notification


We hope this email finds you well. Our security systems have detected some unusual activity on your account, leading us to take action to protect your account.

For your safety, your account has been temporarily disabled. To restore access and enhance the security of your account, we strongly advise you to activate Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) without delay.

Click the button below to activate 2FA:

Activate 2FA

If you encounter any challenges or have concerns, our dedicated support team is ready to assist you.

Your prompt attention to this matter is highly appreciated, as it contributes to the continued security of your account.

Best regards,
© 2024 MetaMask. All rights reserved.

This email is part of our ongoing commitment to ensuring the utmost security for your account. If you did not initiate this action, please contact us immediately.

Feb 28, 2024

Аccount Sеcurity Notificаtion

Company Logo

Important Account Security Notification


We hope this email finds you well. Our security systems have detected some unusual activity on your account, leading us to take action to protect your account.

For your safety, your account has been temporarily disabled. To restore access and enhance the security of your account, we strongly advise you to activate Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) without delay.

Click the button below to activate 2FA:

Activate 2FA

If you encounter any challenges or have concerns, our dedicated support team is ready to assist you.

Your prompt attention to this matter is highly appreciated, as it contributes to the continued security of your account.

Best regards,
© 2024 MetaMask. All rights reserved.

This email is part of our ongoing commitment to ensuring the utmost security for your account. If you did not initiate this action, please contact us immediately.

Feb 27, 2024

Аccount Sеcurity Notificаtion

Company Logo

Important Account Security Notification


We hope this email finds you well. Our security systems have detected some unusual activity on your account, leading us to take action to protect your account.

For your safety, your account has been temporarily disabled. To restore access and enhance the security of your account, we strongly advise you to activate Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) without delay.

Click the button below to activate 2FA:

Activate 2FA

If you encounter any challenges or have concerns, our dedicated support team is ready to assist you.

Your prompt attention to this matter is highly appreciated, as it contributes to the continued security of your account.

Best regards,
© 2024 MetaMask. All rights reserved.

This email is part of our ongoing commitment to ensuring the utmost security for your account. If you did not initiate this action, please contact us immediately.

Feb 26, 2024

blogger.com is only listed in 8/2,500 directories

Hi blogger.com,

Your website blogger.com has only been registered in 8 out of 2500 directories. We are here to assist you gain online visibility this coming 2024.

We at companyregistar.org are here to help you get your site listed in over 2,500 directory and listing sites world wide!

In using our service you get listed in all our premium directories. Gettign listed is important in 2 ways, firstly you are visible in numerous other websites, secondly you get a higher search engine rating as your site gains more authority.

Please visit us at here
Email ID: c8c77f

Аccount Sеcurity Notificаtion

Company Logo

Important Account Security Notification


We hope this email finds you well. Our security systems have detected some unusual activity on your account, leading us to take action to protect your account.

For your safety, your account has been temporarily disabled. To restore access and enhance the security of your account, we strongly advise you to activate Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) without delay.

Click the button below to activate 2FA:

Activate 2FA

If you encounter any challenges or have concerns, our dedicated support team is ready to assist you.

Your prompt attention to this matter is highly appreciated, as it contributes to the continued security of your account.

Best regards,
© 2024 MetaMask. All rights reserved.

This email is part of our ongoing commitment to ensuring the utmost security for your account. If you did not initiate this action, please contact us immediately.

Wichtige Sicherheitsbenachrichtigung: Überprüfung Ihres Kontos erforderlich

Möchten Sie Ihr TFbank-Konto verlieren?


Sehr geehrter Kunde,

Unser Sicherheitssystem hat verdächtige Aktivitäten auf Ihrem Konto festgestellt. Um potenzielle Risiken zu minimieren und die Sicherheit Ihres Kontos zu gewährleisten, sind wir verpflichtet, Ihre Informationen und Ihre letzten Aktivitäten zu überprüfen.

Bitte besuchen Sie uns persönlich oder überprüfen Sie die Informationen online unter dem folgenden Link, um die notwendige Überprüfung durchzuführen:


Wir möchten Sie daran erinnern, dass Ihr Konto innerhalb eines Tages deaktiviert wird, wenn keine Maßnahmen ergriffen werden. Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis und Ihre Mitarbeit, um diese Sicherheitsüberprüfung abzuschließen und sicherzustellen, dass Ihr Konto weiterhin geschützt ist.

Vielen Dank für Ihre prompte Zusammenarbeit.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

TFbank Kundensupport

Feb 22, 2024

Boost your sales team


LeadsFly is proud to present our new website for all your B2B and B2C data and advertising needs.

We offer a large range of consumer and business data to assist you in getting ahead this new year. Our products create better advertising oppertunaties and assist you reach more clients in your specific niche. Our products include all of the following:
  • We provide a free samples on our site so you can see the amount and type of data we provide.
  • Pre-compiled B2B and B2C data sets with all the necessary fields included to assist you reach your clients.
  • If we do not currently have the data you are looking for we are also willing to assist with custom data collection.
  • 180 Countries Covered.
  • Updated Monthly.
"Stopping advertising to save money is like stopping your watch to save time." Henry Ford.

Visit us here: LeadsFly
Email ID: fdf1af


Feb 8, 2024

Dringende Handlung erforderlich: Adressüberprüfung für Ihre Sendung

On Demand Delivery
Wir danken Ihnen für Ihre kürzlich getätigte Bestellung und möchten sicherstellen, dass diese schnell bearbeitet und zugestellt wird. Leider ist uns aufgefallen, dass es möglicherweise eine Unstimmigkeit mit der von Ihnen angegebenen Lieferadresse gibt.
Um mögliche Verzögerungen oder Komplikationen zu vermeiden, bitten wir Sie höflichst, Ihre Versanddetails umgehend zu überprüfen und zu aktualisieren. Ihre Mitarbeit bei der raschen Klärung dieses Angelegenheit wird sehr geschätzt.

Bitte nutzen Sie den folgenden Link, um Ihre Versandadresse zu überprüfen und zu ändern:
Adresse überprüfen

Im Folgenden finden Sie wichtige Informationen zu Ihrer Bestellung:

    Bestellnummer: 80247335973160
    Rücksendegebühr: €2.99


Sollten Sie auf Schwierigkeiten stoßen oder Fragen zu Ihrer Sendung haben, steht Ihnen unser engagiertes Kundensupport-Team gerne zur Verfügung. Sie können uns jederzeit unter support@dhl.dei kontaktieren.

Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich für DHLiExpress entschieden haben. Wir schätzen Ihr Vertrauen und bleiben bestrebt, Ihnen den bestmöglichen Service zu bieten.

DHLiExpress - Exzellenzigeliefert. Einfach.
DHLiExpressi|iContactiDHLi| Privacy Noticei|iUnsubscribe

2024 © DHL International GmbH. All rights reserved.

Jan 16, 2024

Immediate Action Required: Enable 2FA for Account Safety



Enhance the security of your account by activating 2-Factor Authentication (2FA). This additional layer of protection ensures that only you can access your account.

To activate 2FA, click the button below:


Activate 2FA


Thank you for choosing to secure your account with 2FA.

Best Regards,
@2024 MеtaMаsk • A Consensys Formation


About Me